In the treatment of various purulent-necrotic processes in the finger area of cows, 25 ml of catazal immunostimulator is injected into the vein once every 48 hours for a total of three times, 10 ml of 0.5% novocaine and 4 ml of lincomycin are mixed intramuscularly and oxytetracycline + streptocide + iodoform (In order to accelerate the absorption of Demixidine in the ratio of 4:4:2, when Demixidine stimulators are used in a certain rate and quantity, the erythrocyte in the blood increases by 8.3% and the amount of hemoglobin by 19.4%, and the number of leukocytes by 17% and the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes by 13.5%. decrease, reduces inflammatory processes, strengthens regeneration processes and shortens the duration of treatment.
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