One of the most studied mitochondrial factors that regulate the metabolic and functional activity of the cell is the ATP-dependent potassium channel of the inner mitochondrial membrane (mitoKATP-channel). Currently, the biophysical properties of the mitochondrial potassium channel and its physiological significance are well studied [1; 3]. Its participation in the formation of the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) is shown. A number of scientific studies have shown the important regulatory role of the mitoKATP channel in triggering the body's adaptive reactions to hypoxia [5; 1]. Therefore, the molecular structure of this mitochondrion and the ion transport systems located in its membrane can be a specific target for the action of biologically active compounds. To this end, in our next experiment, the effect of SPL and narcissin polyphenols on the KATP-channel of cardiac mitochondria was studied in vitro under experimental conditions.
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